Ch.Versace Biely démon
nar.22.10.2001 +19.2.2016
111 211 151 112 1
výška 31 cm, dĺžka 38 cm, nos 4 cm 8kg
3x CAC, 6x res. CAC, Winner color special show
Champion Slovakia,
Best of dog veteran Special show 2012
Best of dog veteran Special show 2015
10/2012 - srdce - neg., patella - neg., vyšetr. očí - neg.
Ch. Milkeyn Monarch at Lymrey |
Ch. Lymrey Royal Scandal at Ricksbury |
Ch. Emsmere Royalist |
Ch. Lymrey Top of the Pop |
Waterlilly of Milkeyn
Ch. Moonglow Venturer at Trirayne |
Milkeyn Cleopatra
Immenhof´s Roxette
Bill Panta Thei v.´t Heeske |
Ch. Rattlebridge Jacob |
Odette panta Thei v. ´t Heeske |
Cambridge Stars and Stripes |
Laughing Simeon Shai |
Immenhof´s La Toya |
september 2015 |
Versace september 2012
Versace september 2012 |
foto október 2010
ŠV Záhorská Bystrica 2004 - V2, r.CAC
posudzovala: Zidy Muensterhielm Ehnberg F IN. |