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Wenitta Biely démon
bon.kód. 111 211 111 111 1 výška 32 cm, dĺžka 38 cm, nos 3,8 cm
VN, Best youth team bitch, Best of youth team of special cavalier show 2002, res. CAC
Ich.Cairo Biely démon
Ch. Milkeyn Monarch at Lymrey
Ch. Lymrey Royal Scandal at Ricksbury
Waterlilly of Milkeyn
Ch. Meriem Biely démon
Ch. Immenhof´s Quentin
Ch. Clery Biely démon
Ch.Urtica Biely démon
Ich. Immenhof´s Movie Star
Ich. Immenhof´s Donovan
Judyland Bit of Blarney
Ch. Jayme Biely démon
Ich. Lymrey Achilles
Ch. Clery Biely démon
Wenitta - september 2012